Bandung Trip [Day 2]

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Day 2: 15.10.2017 (Sunday)

Kawah Putih > Situ Patenggang > Tea Plantation Rancabali > Ranca Upas

Kawah Putih-人间仙境

火山湖的颜色会随着湖的acid 程度而转变-蓝,青,白 或 褐色。
The colour of the lake will change from bluish to whitish green, or brown, depending on the concentration of sulfur. -Heaven at Earth-

从万隆市中心到达Kawah Putih 需要俩个小时的车程!路途简直是翻山越岭,真佩服我们司机的驾车技术,驾那么大辆的车,还可以在那么小的路穿梭自如。
It takes 2 hours to travel from Bandung City to Kawah Putih, Ciwidey. 


Depart as early as possible to avoid crowds. 
Opening hour : 7.30am-3.30pm


The smell of the sulphur can be heavy for some of the visitors, remember to bring a mask along!

2. 这里其实是高原,请自带冷衣长裤,我抢了我男友唯一的jacket来穿,委屈死他了. HAHA
Please bring along your jacket and long pants as the weather in Bandung (Ciwidey, Tangkuban Perahu) is pretty cold.

3. 请记得要擦sun lotion, 这里虽是高原但是UV 不是盖的!我经历sunburn 最痛苦的一次。
Remember to apply sun lotion even though you are on the highlands. gone through the most terrifying sunburnt experience because i forgot to apply it on my neck and shoulder T^T

Kawah Putih Entrance Ticket:Foreign visitor 外国旅客 : RP 50k per person 

除掉那些人,真的美到无法呼吸!so pretty right !


with the ladies !
pretty mou? 浮夸万岁!
didn't edit all the pictures because i am too lazy to do so.

Situ Patenggang / Tea Plantation Rancabali

其实我们这一天去的景点都很靠近哟, 都坐落在Ciwidey。
过了Kawah Putih, 一路上你可以看到一片绿油油的茶园!面积比金马伦茶园还大!很美很壮观!

The tourist attractions I went are pretty close to one another.
You can see a large tea plantation along the way to Situ Patenggang, much much bigger than Cameron Highland Tea Plantation. (^o^)v


Otw to Situ Patenggang

Beautiful view from the top of the hill

Group photo

Mandatory shot 


having our lunch on the 'boat restaurant' -Java Cusine-  

sighs mushroom head 

 要下雨了 !照片没调亮 :( 


Ranca Upas 

前往最后一站!去看可爱的鹿!不用去Nara 到可以看到可爱的它们了!teehee <3

Last destination of the day: playing around? with the deer. ^.¬

kawaii neh ! 

You can buy carrot to feed them ! The price is all depends on how much the uncle want to charge you =___=. eg; foreigner: SGD1/2, local: SGD 0.50 


All the places i went above are so pretty! Missing the chilly weather, lovely scenery of Ciwidey ! Definitely a must-come when visiting this city.

To be Continued- Bandung Part 3...

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