The Journey Begins...
早上抵达后,TukTuk Driver 就接送我们从机场到达背包客栈啦!
我们抵达的时间还很早,无法直接check in,所以我们便放下行李在Reception 处,在里头休息片刻
接着,就跟柜台小姐拿了张地图,问她附近有什么好去处,准备探索这个地方啦 !
Once we arrive in the morning, the TukTuk driver picked us up directly from the airport to our dormitory. Due to that, we arrived much earlier than the check-in timing, we are unable to check in and hence, we placed our baggage securely at the reception and took a short rest there. After that, we continue our venture around Siem Reap with the map provided by the receptionist.
1)Siem Reap Old Market / Morning Market
这里像是一个大巴刹,有贩卖水果蔬菜,香料食材, 衣物 纪恋品等等等!!!
我们在那里买了大象裤,明信片以及我们等会要穿的闺蜜裙 哈哈!*满载而归*
First, we went to Siem Reap Old Market. It is a place which you could get anything you require, including souvenirs, clothing, fresh fruits and many more. The people here mainly would understand simple English and Chinese! So if you do not want them to understand you while discussing prices among yourself, dialect would be a better choice! Do bargain as much as possible as it could really go much lower than stated! We get our souvenirs and clothes such as sister wear there!
2) Boutique Domitory Ko Chi Ke
睡个午觉后就等候Sarak 来载我们去买Angkor Pass 探索寺庙看日落哟
After our short afternoon nap, Sarak brought us to get our Angkor Pass as each individual must be there due to that photo-taking is required. Then, we continue our journey to enjoy the sunset at one of the temple (Ta Keo). Unfortunately, drizzling rain started to pour once we wanted to depart, but luckily it ended very soon after.
To Be Continued
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